GIS and Media fusion

"The explosive growth of the GeoWeb and geographic information has made GIS powerful media for the general public to communicate, but perhaps more importantly, GIS have also become media for constructive dialogs and interactions about social issues." - Sui & Goodchild

User Tools

Site Tools


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Cours Open Webmapping


Ce cours s'appuie sur les documents suivants :

  • Tutoriel OpenLayers/OGC [pdf]
  • Documentation OpenLayers [pdf]
  • Prise en main rapide de PostGIS [pdf]


Pour la bonne marche du tutoriel, voici les ressources disponibles :

  • tous les exemples du tutoriel [zip]
  • la librairie JS OpenLayers [zip]
    • les sources de la librairie [zip]
  • le source Python du proxy cgi


ogo10/openwebmapping.1271005095.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/15 17:17 (external edit)