GIS and Media fusion

"The explosive growth of the GeoWeb and geographic information has made GIS powerful media for the general public to communicate, but perhaps more importantly, GIS have also become media for constructive dialogs and interactions about social issues." - Sui & Goodchild

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 +====== GéoInf - Webmapping ======
 +Objectif : découvrir les outils client/​serveur cartographique pour manipuler la géoinformation sur le web
 +==== librairie JS de cartographie en ligne ====
 +portrayal process, bitmap picture case versus vector elements case, tiling pyramid, navigation control, OpenLayers3
 +==== base de donnée géographique ====
 +geodatabase,​ geotable, spatial query language, PostgreSQL/​PostGIS
 +==== services en ligne ====
 +mashup géographique,​ cloud-based management and API, Google Maps, MapBox, Cartodb
 +==== nano-projet d'​évaluation ====
 +sous forme d'un exercice dirigé à définir encore (e.g. deux sujets à choix)
geoinf1.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/16 10:05 (external edit)